With grateful thanks to Laura Konviser for providing these records of the Northern Rhodesian (now Zambia) Jewish Communities with particular focus on various activities and events involving her father-in-law Rabbi Maurice Konviser z”l – mainly in the 1950s. These documents provide important records about the extent of Jewish life in that country during that period. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, also known as the Central African Federation (CAF), operated between 1953 and 1963. It was a colonial federation that included three southern African territories: the self-governing British colony of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the British protectorates of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and Nyasaland (now Malawi). The Federation aimed to promote economic advantages but faced political challenges due to growing opposition from African inhabitants. It officially ended on December 31, 1963, and shortly afterward, Northern Rhodesia became Zambia, and Nyasaland became Malawi.
Each document is a separate PDF file – please click the appropriate link to open and view the document.
Kitwe cemetery consecration Address 1946 1
Kitwe cemetery consecration Address 1946 2
Kitwe cemetery consecration Address 1946
Kitwe cemetery consecration Prayer 1946
Kitwe Consecration Rabbi Konviser address 1
Kitwe Consecration Rabbi Konviser address 2
Kitwe Consecration Rabbi Konviser address 3
Kitwe Consecration Rabbi Konviser address 4
Kitwe Consecration Rabbi Konviser address 5
Kitwe Mayor 23rd March 1956 1
Kitwe Mayor 23rd March 1956 2
Kitwe Mayor 1955
Kitwe Mayor February 1956
Kitwe Mayor March 7th 1956
Kitwe Mayor March 10th 1956 1
Kitwe Rabbi Wolfson induction Rabbi Konviser’s address 1961 3
Kitwe Rabbi Wolfson induction Rabbi Konviser’s address 1961 1
Kitwe Rabbi Wolsfon induction Rabbi Konviser’s address 1961 2
Kitwe Rabbi Wolson induction 1961
Kitwe-Civic services 1956 1
Kitwe-Civic services 1956 2
Kitwe-Civic services 1956
Kitwe-Nkana synagogue consecration 1946
Kitwe-Nkana synagogue consecration order of service 1946
Lusaka Civic Sunday 1960 1
Lusaka Civic Sunday 1960 2
Lusaka Civic Sunday 1960
Lusaka Civic Sunday Rabbi’s address 1 1960
Lusaka Civic Sunday Rabbi’s address 1960 2
Lusaka Civic Sunday Rabbi’s address 1960 3
Lusaka Civic Sunday Rabbi’s address 1960 4
Lusaka synagogue consecration 1946
Lusaka synagogue consecration Order of service 1946
Mufulira cemetery consecration Address 157 1
Mufulira cemetery consecration Address 157
Ndola Siyum HaTorah address1956 1
Ndola Siyum HaTorah address1956 2
Ndola Siyum HaTorah address1956
Ndola Siyum HaTorah correspondence 1956 1
Ndola Siyum HaTorah correspondence 1956 2
Ndola Siyum HaTorah correspondence 1956 3
Ndola Siyum HaTorah correspondence 1956 4
Ndola Siyum HaTorah correspondence 1956
Northern Rhodesia Jewry newspaper article 1946
Northern Rhodesia pastoral tour 1946