Zionism and community affairs
Further down this page is an article published in the CAZO magazine in 1958 celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of Chovevei Zion in Bulawayo. This was the beginning of the Zionist Movement in Rhodesia (later Zimbabwe) and which in later years became the Central African Zionist Organisation (CAZO). On the right is a gallery of images telling the story of the impact of Zionism on the Zimbabwe Jewish Community until 1964, written by the Hon Abe Abrahamson z”l and how the it was expressed by its members. Written by Hon Abe Abrahamson, former minister in the government of Edgar Whitehead in what was then Southern Rhodesia, holding the three portfolios of labour, housing and social welfare.
In the early 20th Century the Rhodesian Jewish Community established The Jewish Guild Newspaper in Bulawayo which reported on both local Jewish affairs and Zionist related issues. Some 41 copies of the newspaper are available to view on Israel’s National Library website
To view the first copy from September 1919 – click here
The Central African Zionist Organisation (CAZO) was active from the mid 1940s through to the end of the early 1980s. Please go to a separate page on CAZO via the main menu (under History) and view copies of the CAZO magazine.
Below are images of publications and members of the Womens International Zionist Organisation – WIZO