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jewish cemeteries at livingstone, lusaka, kitwe, ndola, mufulira and lusaka
Dave Bloom visited Livingstone in October 2023 with the kind assistance of Peter Jones who lives in the town and is responsible for the Livingstone Gateway Museum. He also visited the Jewish Cemetery close to the town itself. The cemetery was extensively restored in 2017 under the auspices of the African Jewish Committee and Rav Moshe Silberhaft with the important assistance of Peter Jones.
Kitwe and Ndola Cemeteries
Below are pictures of the Kitwe cemetery. Excellent work done to restore the old cemetery in Ndola, Zambia. The Kitwe Hebrew Congregation was active for many decades but was ultimately forced to close due to a lack of congregants during the 1990s. These below are from the NKANA EAST Jewish cemetery. The second cemetery is at Chingolo Rd Kitwe – see general photos from photographer Jono David and please contact Jono for originals.
From Mervyn Blumberg
Kitwe has many sports fields (cricket, soccer etc) and I attended many soccer games with my Dad on most Sundays, and was totally unaware of it’s existence. We were a small vibrant Jewish community (about 40 families) and the shul was the centre, with Friday night services every week and on the High Holidays, and Habonim on Sundays. In all my years there, I never heard mention of this, the Pioneer Cemetery. As you will note, most, if not all the graves date back from the early ’30’s. I last visited Ndola in 2013, in the main part to visit my fathers grave in the Kansenshi Jewish cemetery. That cemetery was in great shape, thanks to funds provided from the sale of the shul for the upkeep of that cemetery. Through research on the internet, I learned about the Pioneer Cemetery and found it’s approx. location. After some “bundu bashing” with a panga, I arrived there to find it completely over gown. At that time there were no Jews left, living in Ndola. I contacted the late Michael Galaun in Lusaka, and through him, the over growth was cleared, and now thanks to Rav Moshe Silberhaft and his crew (under direction of Selwyn Katzeff) the cemetery has now been restored. The only name I recognise is Harry Gordon. His related family lived in Ndola till the mid/early ’60’s (Gordon; Shulman; Fingleson). Following are some pictures I took, when I rediscovered this cemetery.
To see a number of Zambian photo galleries by Jono David who recorded images from many Jewish communities in Africa – click here
Kitwe Cemeteries
Totally restored NKANA EAST Jewish cemetery in Kitwe
Kitwe Chingola Rd Cemetery
These images below of the Chingolo Rd Jewish Cemetery in Kitwe after a major restoration project by the Zambian Jewish Council with the guidance of Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft. Below the images are two pictures captured from the website by Jono David who has done extensive photography of the Jewish Communities of Africa. You can view the images in full resolution via this link
You can see photos by Jono David of the cemetery before and after restoration.

Ndola Jewish Cemetery
main ndola jewish cemetery
This is the main Jewish Cemetery in Ndola. With thanks for these photos by Zvika Nachshon taken in 2018. Repairs to the cemetery under the supervision of Zvika and Rav Moshe Silberhaft were done in 2019. This is the Kasenshi Cemetery outside Ndola on the road to Kitwe.
Mufulira Cemetery
These images were taken by Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft in the Copperbelt town of Mufulira which had a small but thriving community in the 1940s and 1950s.
Lusaka Cemeteries
There are two Jewish cemeteries in Lusaka – one known as the Aylmer May and the other as Leopards Hill. With thanks to Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft for these pictures and for continuing to look after these cemeteries.
Leopards Hill
Aylmer May Cemetery – Lusaka
For a full list of photographs from the Aylmer May Cemetery taken by Jono David – please click here and remember to return to the ZJC website.