Rhodesian Reserves 1916
This unique picture is entitled “Rhodesian Reserves” dated May 1916 and appears to be specifically a group of Jewish members of the reserves. With thanks to Colin Gordon for sending this to the ZJC site.
The caption below the image speaks for itself.

Rhodesia Reserve Volunteers
Winners of Capt. P.B.S. Wrey’s Inter Section Competition
May, 1916
Privates J. Hepker, J. Hoffman, J. Cowan
Privates J. Ellenbogen, L. Greenberg, H.B. Ellenbogen, G. Pichanik, S. Bernstein, J. Budlender, M. Salk, M. Cohen
L/Cpl M. Solomon, Sgt. S.S. Grossberg, Lieut. L. Landau, Capt. P.B.S. Wrey, R.S.M. J.R. Meechan, Col-Sgt. L.B. Whitmore, Cpl. H. Gordon, L/Cpl. S.M. Bernstein
Privates M. Haimowitz, L.A. Rubenstein, L. Ellenbogen, H. Feigenbaum