Below is a short interview with Gaby Haimowitz z”l from 2015 about his life.
Gaby was well known in the community as a leader of Habonim youth movement in his youth and later as secretary of CAZO before he and his wife Freda made aliya in the 1970s.
Aryeh Haimovitz 1955-2005
Editor – It was with great shock and sorrow that we heard of the sudden and unexpected passing of Aryeh Haimovitz, son of Gaby and Freda and brother to Ron and ….. , husband to Phyllis and father to Rebecca and Michael. Aryeh was an active member of Habonim during his childhood following in his father’s footsteps who was Bakoach of the movement in the late 1940s.
Aryeh was an energetic member of the movement, always cheerful with a big smile and became a madrich in his late teens. He was a keen sportsman in is youth and I remember him being a good football player.
ZJC extends sincere condolences to the family.
Obituary from Aryeh’s company in Toronto
On December 27th 2005, we lost a friend, leader, colleague and mentor- Aryeh Haimovitz.
Aryeh joined Borden and Elliot in 1997 after having worked a number of years in the hardware industry with Digital equipment.
Born in Israel in 1955, and known as Rhodesia, Aryeh later returned to Israel serve his required duty in the Israeli army, where he progressed to rank of tank commander and later to air marshal. Following completion of his military service Aryeh spent time on a kibbutz where he met the love if his life and future wife, Phyllis. Together, they returned raised in what was then to Canada, were married, and became the proud parents of Rebecca and Michael.
Aryeh may have Ben born in Israel but he was Canadian to the tip of his toes. He could spend hours waxing on the merits of hockey, especially the skill and talent both Rebecca and Michael showed in sports. He only played hockey for a short while, but the puck he scored his one and only goal with was proudly displayed in his house.
Aryeh had his own sense of tact and diplomacy – he called it like he saw it with staff, management and suppliers alike. The training he had received as a tank commander was never far from the surface, but gig was always fair and principled in his every dealing.
Aryeh was loyal and inspired great loyalty Over time, he assembled a team of dedicated staff who would go to any lengths to support him. He was always there for his department, to listen to complaints, rejoice in their victories and fight their battles. He went out of his way to make sure his staff knew they were valued and part of a family and not just a work team. Among the department’s favorite memories are of when he would sit, put his glees up on his forehead and sore to tell stories. They knew they were in for a treat; these times were always accompanied by much laughter and teasing.
Aryeh led by example, nothing was menial to him. Often he could be found unpacking monitor or printers, often shaming the rest of the department into cleaning
Aryeh’s eyes would light up when there was a new gadget he could test. He was like a little kid at a birthday party. He could often be found playing with Pocket PC’s, blacks or Treo Smart Phones, new captors or other hardware. Lawyer and colleagues would often go racing to his office when they had acquired a new gadget or toy – but they seldom arrived before he had already gotten to his hands one to try. He often offered personal training to lawyers and colleagues on these gadgets because one of his great pleasures was to show them what he an had learned. An active cyclist, he completed the 160 km Ride for Karen last September with a number of friends and colleagues. He also loved to canoe and recently went on a canoe excursion to Tamagami with Phillis. Aryeh rode to and network every day, winter and summer. When he didn’t ride to work, he grumbled about transit. He was always happiest when he was active.
We will miss our friend area – he was an original in every -a of the word, and he cannot be replaced.
Aryeh Haimovitz was a TLOMA Member since 1998.